Three hands holding light bulbs on a blurry background. Each light bulb has several icons over it like a home, earth, recycling symbol, and trees.
2nd Annual Sustainable Living Faire
The 2nd Annual Sustainable Living Faire will be held on February 22nd from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Main Library at 121 Fair Ave NW in New Philadelphia. Guests can expect to meet local vendors and organizations as they explore homesteading, traditional skills, and renewable resources.

The County Library has partnered with local businesses, area organizations, and community members who embrace all levels of sustainable living to create this free afternoon event. The Saturday event will focus on demonstrations and hands-on activities from places including Rural Action, Angel Family Farms, Healer’s Mark, Terra Depot, Brigadoon Homestead, and more.

Board Bylaws

Adopted January 2002; Rev. May 2012; Rev. July 2023
By-laws of the Tuscarawas County Public Library

Article 1 – Name 
The name of this organization shall be the Tuscarawas County Public Library. 

Article 2 – Purpose 
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide public library services to the people of its service area in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio and the mission statements adopted by the Board of Trustees. 

Article 3 – Organization 

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library is an organization devoted to the support of the Tuscarawas County Public Library System.
Each of our locations has an active group of Friends who support and promote its library, as well as the entire library system. The groups offer their services by providing funding for programs and those physical needs of our libraries that do not fit into the library system’s general operating budget.